
Terms & conditions + regulations

In these General Terms and Conditions, the terms indicated with a capital letter have the following meaning:



  • “General Terms and Conditions”: these general terms and conditions for ticket sales by the organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships.
  • “Ticket”: an admission ticket for an event day.
  • “Agreement”: the agreement between you and the organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships for the purchase of one or more tickets. Stichting Vestingcross is the organisers of the event.
  • “Event”: the event for which you have purchased a Ticket, indicated with date, time, and stadiums.
  • “Access Refusal Order”: the order that is described in these General Terms and Conditions.
  • “You or Your”: the person who enters or has entered into an Agreement with the organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships via the website.
  • “Website”: the ticket shop of the organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships.
  • “Visitor”: the person who uses a Ticket and visits the Event.



By agreeing to the General Terms and Conditions, You agree to the below conditions, ticket conditions, access rules, privacy policy, and regulations.

  • The organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships cannot be held liable in the event of a cancellation, strike, non-play, or not finishing of games. The entrance fee costs will not be reimbursed.
  • The organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships reserves the right to change the start times of components in the program.
  • Damages suffered at the event site cannot be recovered from the organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships.
  • The organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships cannot take responsibility for minors.
  • Persons who cannot be held responsible for their own actions must be accompanied by a supervisor who is responsible for these persons.
  • Visitors who disturb the event in any way, or cause damage or personal injury, are personally liable for this.
  • The organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships reserves the right to, in advance and without giving reasons, deny individuals or organisations access to the event site(s).
  • Visitors are obliged to follow all instructions on (warning) signs and instructions from the organisation and its employees.



  • The Agreement is established when You have completed the purchase process for a Ticket on the Website and You have received a confirmation email including the corresponding Ticket from the organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships.
  • In the ordering process, You provide the personal data that the organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships needs in order to deliver You a ticket. The organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships is not responsible for the consequences of providing incorrect or incomplete data in Your ordering process.
  • Every Agreement is concluded exclusively in Dutch or English and is electronically archived by the organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships. You can request a copy from the organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships.
  • In the context of the Agreement, payment of the purchase price grants You access to a (sporting) Event that is held at a specific time and date. The Agreement is exempt from the legal right of rescission. After purchase, You cannot return Your Ticket to the organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships.



  • For each Ticket, You must pay the purchase price to the organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships.
  • The costs depend on the sport, day, session, and type.



  • Each Ticket is proof of one right of access to the indicated Event for one adult or child. The Ticket is issued to You by the organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships by sending You an e-ticket/mobile ticket with a unique barcode in the confirmation email.
  • To gain access to the indicated event site(s), You must enable an employee to scan the barcode on the Ticket. Each barcode can only be scanned once per site. You are responsible for keeping Your Ticket safe and secure so that someone else cannot use Your barcode.
  • The organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships does not guarantee that all matches will be played as part of the Event on the date and time indicated on the Ticket. If for any reason, the Event does not take place, the organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships is not obliged to refund the purchase price of the Ticket to You.
  • You may purchase a maximum of 15 Tickets per transaction. You may resell Tickets to friends or family without a profit surcharge. If You resell a Ticket, You must inform the buyer that he/she must adhere to the General Terms and Conditions. You guarantee that the buyer complies. Reselling a Ticket is at your own risk.
  • Tickets may not be used for business purposes. If You are a company and wish to purchase Tickets for the Event to invite guests or for other business purposes, You must contact the organisation, hospitality@hulst2026.com.
  • The organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships can deny You access to the event site or have You removed if, in the reasonable opinion of the organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships, You act contrary to one or more provisions of these General Terms and Conditions + Regulations. If the organisation makes use of this right, You will lose Your right to access one of the event sites and You will not be entitled to a refund of the purchase price.



  • You are required to show Your Ticket at the first request of the police or authorised employees of the relevant event site and to immediately follow any instructions given.
  • You do not have access to areas that are not intended for access for the general public.
  • You may not impede the flow of people at the various event sites. This means that Your use of entrances, stairs, aisles, and platforms is limited to that which is strictly necessary for entering or leaving the sites.
  • When entering the relevant event site, You may not be under the influence of alcoholic beverages and/or narcotics. If there is reasonable suspicion by the authorised employees, You may be denied access to the Event.
  • At the event sites, it is not permitted to offer for sale, or possess with the intent to offer for sale, merchandise such as beverages, food, souvenir items, t-shirts, scarves, and flags.
  • The possession of bottles, glasses, cans, sticks, banners with discriminatory, provoking, or advertising content (as determined by the authorised employees), chains, bludgeons, knives, brass knuckles, fireworks, umbrellas or any other objects that can be used as weapons or as a means of disrupting order is not permitted at the various event sites.
  • You may not throw objects or liquids at the event site.
  • At the event site, You must not possess or use any objects that, as determined by the authorised employees, may cause unnecessary nuisance to others or may be dangerous for persons or property. This includes objects that make excessive noise, such as a foghorn or trumpet.
  • At the event site, You may not behave in a provoking or threatening manner or create any danger to the life or health of Yourself and/or others. Moreover, You may not behave in such a way that You may cause damage to the event site, such as climbing light towers, fences, roofs, signage, and other equipment or structures.
  • It is forbidden to bring dogs and other animals to the event site. This prohibition does not apply to guide dogs and dogs for assistance.
  • By making use of Your Ticket, You accept that You can be searched by the police and authorised employees and that they may confiscate any objects found in Your possession that are not permitted as indicated in these General Terms and Conditions.
  • Security checks take place when entering the event site.
  • Upon entering the event site, the visitor agrees that one can be photographed or filmed, for both commercial and security purposes.



  • If the organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships has made use of its denial and removal right, as described in the Ticket Conditions, it can impose an Access Refusal Order on You. This order means that You are not allowed to visit any of the events of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships. The scope of the Access Refusal Order depends on the gravity of the conduct that led to the denial of access or the removal from one of the event sites. You will be notified of an Access Refusal Order in writing.
  • If the organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships has imposed an Access Refusal Order on You, You can submit an objection to the organisation. The objection does not suspend the imposed Access Refusal Order. You must send the objection in writing and by registered mail. The notice of objection must be received by the organisation within 14 days after the date of the Access Refusal Order. If You submit the notice of objection too late, the organisation will declare Your objection inadmissible. The organisation will decide on an admissible notice of objection within 30 days of receipt and inform You of its decision in writing.
  • For the duration of the Access Refusal Order, You may not purchase tickets. If You do have a ticket, the organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships is not required to grant You access to the Event.



  • The organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships is not liable for damages that You suffer during Your visit to the Event.
  • The liability of the organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships for damages that You suffer that are attributable to, or stem from non-compliance of the Agreement by the organisation, is limited to the total amount that You have paid to the organisation for the relevant Tickets.
  • You indemnify the organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships for any financial disadvantage suffered as a result of its non-compliance with one or more provisions in these General Terms and Conditions, such as non-compliance with the access rules.



  • The organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships has partially outsourced the implementation of the Agreement to Tickoweb. Tickoweb can perform its obligations under this Agreement on behalf of the organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships.
  • Dutch law applies to the Agreement.



The following payment methods are available online:

  • IDEAL (ING, Rabobank, SNS-bank, Friesland bank, ASN-bank, Triodos bank, van Lanschot bankiers, and ABN-AMRO bank). For more information about this payment method, see www.ideal.nl or the website of Your own bank.
  • Bancontact
  • Mastercard



  • Immediately after Your purchase and payment have been completed, You will receive a confirmation email and an e-ticket/mobile ticket from Tickoweb. Your e-ticket/mobile ticket is the Ticket to the chosen Event.
  • If the confirmation email leads to questions, You can contact the Tickoweb helpdesk during its opening hours for more information.
  • For information about the opening hours of the helpdesk, please visit 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships website.



  • Always check the amount, date, and price of Your purchase or reservation before it is confirmed.
    The organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships does not reimburse purchases.
  • The organisation cannot be held liable in the event of a cancellation, strike, non-play, or not finishing of games. The entrance fee costs will not be reimbursed.



  • The organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships only sells timebound Tickets via its Website. As a result, these sales do not fall under the legal consideration period of 14 days within which a purchase can be canceled.



For the safety of visitors and participants, security checks take place when entering 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships. During these checks, body searches and bag checks can be carried out. The following items are not allowed at 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships and will therefore have to be handed in or taken home before entering.


The following items are not allowed on 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships site:

  • Drinks and food items
  • Glass and cans
  • (Plastic) bottles
  • Fireworks
  • Weapons
  • Dangerous/sharp items
  • Perfume, deodorant, and other spray cans
  • Audio and/or visual equipment, excl. mobile phones (except with permission from the organisation)

Decisions made by the security staff are binding. Whoever enters 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships site automatically agrees to cooperate during security checks. If illegal items are found, you will be handed over to the police. Access to the site may be denied.



According to Dutch law, the sale of alcoholic beverages to persons under the age of 18 is not permitted, neither is the consumption of alcohol by these persons. 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships, just like other events, does not deviate from this legislation and will actively monitor the situation. You may be asked for identification. If you are 18 years old or older, but look young, you may be asked for identification. If underage alcohol use is detected, the beverage will be confiscated.



Having, using or trading drugs is not permitted at 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships. Bags and clothing can be checked by police or security staff.



The use of drones is strictly prohibited on the event grounds. Additionally, flying drones over the event area is not allowed under any circumstances. Violations will be reported.



Visitors are obliged to comply with the regulations and/or instructions of the security staff. Instructions and/or assignments given by or on behalf of employees of the organisation must be immediately carried out in full or complied with. If the security staff or the organisation judges that your behaviour is undesirable or inappropriate, you may be denied access to 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships. In the event of a criminal offense, you will be transferred to the police and a report will be made, at all times.



The sale or promotion of goods and/or services on or around 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships site is not permitted without prior written permission from the organization.



Taking photos with professional camera equipment is not permitted unless you have received explicit and written permission from the organisation.

When taking photos at event site and all associated locations, take into account the situation of the person(s) involved.



Animals are not allowed at 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships. This prohibition does not apply to guide dogs and dogs for assistance.



The organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships advises parents to familiarise themselves with the situation on the ground. If you take your children with you, take into account the uneven terrain, the size of the terrain, and the large number of people present.



Entering 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships site is entirely at the visitor’s own risk. The organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships is in no way liable for any damage caused to visitors and/or their property.



All found objects are collected at the information desk during 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships. At the end of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships, all remaining found objects will be brought to the Gemeente Hulst.



Items that are not permitted at 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships will be confiscated and not returned to you. If necessary, items will be handed over to the police with you.



Public urination is not permitted, and the police will issue fines for this. Make use of the toilet facilities on site.



The organisation of 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships does its best to ensure wheelchair accessibility. Toilet facilities for wheelchair users are available. However, there is no guarantee that there will be (enough) space. Instructions given by staff must be followed at all times.



Anyone in possession of a parking ticket for 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships, may use the car parking for 2026 UCI Cyclo-Cross World Championships. It is not possible to enter the car parking without a parking ticket. A special parking facility will be set up for regular visitors.

  • Parking is only allowed in the designated areas. This applies to cars, motors and bicycles.
  • The parking ticket is valid for the entire day.
  • Follow the advice of the parking supervisor(s) at all time.
  • Keep the car parking clean. Please throw all Your waste in the designated waste bins.
  • Pollution on the parking area will be reported to the police.
  • It is not permitted to enter the car park with glassware.
  • It is not permitted to satisfy sanitary requirements outside the sanitary facilities.
  • In the event of obstruction, the organisation is forced to move the vehicle.
  • Parking on the terrain is at Your own risk. The manager of the terrain cannot be held liable for possible damage or theft of vehicles and/or loads.